Satisfaction Guarantee

Cancelling your order

A new order can be cancelled or changed without any problem only if the production process has not yet begun. The link to your order status page can be found in your order confirmation email. If your order is labeled wait or as new, you will be able to cancel your order. If you would like to change your order, please contact our customer service by phone before your order begins production. Once it begins production, you can no longer make any changes. You can reach us at 1-800-381-0815 Monday - Friday 8:00am-7:00pm (ET).

Spreadshirt`s Fair Return Policy

Every ordered product at Spreadshirt is created just for you. Because they are custom made, returned goods cannot be resold and are donated or thrown away. Promise: * If we make a mistake, we will send you a replacement or refund your money. * If you make a mistake with your order, call us and we will see what we can reasonably do to help you get the shirt you want. Should a mistake arise, we kindly ask that you contact us within 30 days to coordinate an acceptable solution. Please include your order number and a detailed explanation of the problem. You can contact our service team by writing an e-mail to

Still haven't received your merchandise yet?

After your order has been shipped you will receive an e-mail confirming the shipment. If - whatever the reason - you feel that your order has not been received in the proper timeframe, please contact us at We kindly ask that should this be the case, you let us know no later than 6 weeks after ordering.